#Hololens – #SpatialMapping, tutorial search for simple surfaces (1×1 floor tile)

Hi !

In my previous posts I wrote on how to use Spatial Understanding to have a better control of the environment scanning process with Hololens. In that post I created a demo with the following steps

  • As soon as the App starts, Hololens started the scanning process
  • We defined a minimmun number of planes to be found, when we reach this number the scan process stopped
  • We have a FPS displaying the scan process

Today’s sample is the next required steps after last post to

  • Search for a simple surface in the floor with a size of 1×1
  • We start this search process with an AirTap / Click on a hologram

The next ugly animation shows the scanning process (at X6 speed) and then the floor mapping process.

2017 04 25 Hololens Spatial Understanding 01.gif

Tutorial simple steps.

  1. Create a 3D project in Unity3D
  2. Import HoloToolkit package
  3. Configure project to
    1. Support HoloLens projects (UWP, VR, etc)
    2. enable Spatial Mapping feature
  4. Clean Scene elements
  5. Add
    1. Hololens Camera
    2. Cursor With Feedback
    3. Input Manager
    4. Spatial Mapping
    5. Spatial Understanding
    6. FPS Display
  6. Add Empty element
    1. Rename to CodeManagers
    2. Add new C# Script named “GameStartScanner.cs”
  7. Add Empty Element
    1. Rename to HoloCollection
    2. Add 3D Cube element to HoloCollection
    3. Rename to “InteractiveCube”
  8. Set this properties to Cube
    1. Position: x: 0, y:0, z:1.2
    2. Scale: x: 0.2, y:0.2, z:0.2
  9. Add a new C# Script to the cube named “Scanner Analyzer”

The final project must be similar to this one


The source code for the ScannerAnalyzer.cs script is below. As always a couple of important notes on this script.

  • The sample is based on the Spatial Mapping sample included on HoloToolkit
  • I use several additional classes (mostly for drawing), you can find this classes as part of the project
    • AnimatedBox.cs
    • AnimationCurve3.cs
    • GameStartScanner.cs
    • Line.cs
    • LineData.cs
    • ScannerAnalyzer.cs
  • In simple terms, the new class starts when the scanning process stops. As a reminder the scanning process was defined in “GameStartScanner.cs”
  • In the Update() function we check if we are in “search tile process”. If we are looking, we draw blue tiles on the floor
  • The search process start on “OnInputClicked”, this one is triggered on an AirTap on he Cube
  • The variables minWidthOfWallSpace and minHeightAboveFloor defines the size of the tile to search
  • Line 54, this is the important section. Here we use the core of Spatial Understanding to start the search process. We use the functions
    • SpatialUnderstanding.Instance.UnderstandingDLL.PinObject(_resultsTopology);
    • SpatialUnderstandingDllTopology.QueryTopology_FindPositionsOnFloor()
  • The 1st steps create a memory pointer with all the scanned elements. 2nd steps filter this for the elements which matches the query
  • The next lines are drawing lines. Most of this code is based on HoloToolkit Spatial Mapping samples. Tons on C# lines of code, which requires a nice refactoring

Sample code

using System.Collections.Generic;
using HoloToolkit.Unity.InputModule;
using UnityEngine;
using HoloToolkit.Unity;
public class ScannerAnalyzer : MonoBehaviour, IInputClickHandler
const int QueryResultMaxCount = 512;
const int DisplayResultMaxCount = 32;
private List<AnimatedBox> _lineBoxList = new List<AnimatedBox>();
private SpatialUnderstandingDllTopology.TopologyResult[] _resultsTopology = new SpatialUnderstandingDllTopology.TopologyResult[QueryResultMaxCount];
private LineData _lineData = new LineData();
private string _spaceQueryDescription;
public TextMesh DebugDisplay;
public static bool AnalyzerEnabled;
public Material MaterialLine;
void Update()
if (!AnalyzerEnabled) return;
if (DebugDisplay != null)
DebugDisplay.text = _spaceQueryDescription;
// Queries
if (SpatialUnderstanding.Instance.ScanState == SpatialUnderstanding.ScanStates.Done)
// Lines: Begin
// Drawers
var needsUpdate = false;
needsUpdate |= Draw_LineBoxList();
// Lines: Finish up
public void OnInputClicked(InputClickedEventData eventData)
if (!SpatialUnderstanding.Instance.AllowSpatialUnderstanding)
var minWidthOfWallSpace = 1f;
var minHeightAboveFloor = 1f;
// Query
var resultsTopologyPtr = SpatialUnderstanding.Instance.UnderstandingDLL.PinObject(_resultsTopology);
var locationCount = SpatialUnderstandingDllTopology.QueryTopology_FindPositionsOnFloor(
minWidthOfWallSpace, minHeightAboveFloor,
_resultsTopology.Length, resultsTopologyPtr);
// Output
var visDesc = "Find Positions On Floor";
var boxFullDims = new Vector3(minWidthOfWallSpace, 0.025f, minHeightAboveFloor);
var color = Color.red;
// Add the line boxes (we may have more results than boxes – pick evenly across the results in that case)
var lineInc = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)locationCount / (float)DisplayResultMaxCount);
var boxesDisplayed = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < locationCount; i += lineInc)
var timeDelay = (float)_lineBoxList.Count * AnimatedBox.DelayPerItem;
new AnimatedBox(
Quaternion.LookRotation(_resultsTopology[i].normal, Vector3.up),
boxFullDims * 0.5f)
// Vis description
if (locationCount == boxesDisplayed)
_spaceQueryDescription = string.Format("{0} ({1})", visDesc, locationCount);
_spaceQueryDescription = string.Format("{0} (found={1}, displayed={2})", visDesc, locationCount, boxesDisplayed);
#region Line and Box Drawing
protected void LineDraw_Begin()
_lineData.LineIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < _lineData.Lines.Count; ++i)
_lineData.Lines[i].isValid = false;
private bool Draw_LineBoxList()
var needsUpdate = false;
for (var i = 0; i < _lineBoxList.Count; ++i)
needsUpdate |= Draw_AnimatedBox(_lineBoxList[i]);
return needsUpdate;
protected void LineDraw_End(bool needsUpdate)
if (_lineData == null)
// Check if we have any not dirty
var i = 0;
while (i < _lineData.Lines.Count)
if (!_lineData.Lines[i].isValid)
needsUpdate = true;
// Do the update (if needed)
if (needsUpdate)
private void Lines_LineDataToMesh()
// Alloc them up
var verts = new Vector3[_lineData.Lines.Count * 8];
var tris = new int[_lineData.Lines.Count * 12 * 3];
var colors = new Color[verts.Length];
// Build the data
for (var i = 0; i < _lineData.Lines.Count; ++i)
// Base index calcs
var vert = i * 8;
var v0 = vert;
var tri = i * 12 * 3;
// Setup
var dirUnit = (_lineData.Lines[i].p1 – _lineData.Lines[i].p0).normalized;
var normX = Vector3.Cross((Mathf.Abs(dirUnit.y) >= 0.99f) ? Vector3.right : Vector3.up, dirUnit).normalized;
var normy = Vector3.Cross(normX, dirUnit);
// Verts
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p0 + normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth + normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c0; ++vert;
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p0 – normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth + normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c0; ++vert;
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p0 – normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth – normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c0; ++vert;
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p0 + normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth – normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c0; ++vert;
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p1 + normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth + normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c1; ++vert;
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p1 – normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth + normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c1; ++vert;
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p1 – normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth – normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c1; ++vert;
verts[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].p1 + normX * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth – normy * _lineData.Lines[i].lineWidth; colors[vert] = _lineData.Lines[i].c1; ++vert;
// Indices
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 0); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 5); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 4); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 1); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 5); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 0); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 1); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 6); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 5); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 2); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 6); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 1); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 2); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 7); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 6); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 3); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 7); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 2); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 3); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 7); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 4); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 3); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 4); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 0); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 0); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 3); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 2); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 0); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 2); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 1); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 5); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 6); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 7); tri += 3;
tris[tri + 0] = (v0 + 5); tris[tri + 1] = (v0 + 7); tris[tri + 2] = (v0 + 4); tri += 3;
// Create up the components
if (_lineData.Renderer == null)
_lineData.Renderer = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>() ??
gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>() as MeshRenderer;
_lineData.Renderer.material = MaterialLine;
if (_lineData.Filter == null)
_lineData.Filter = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>() ?? gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
// Create or clear the mesh
Mesh mesh;
if (_lineData.Filter.mesh != null)
mesh = _lineData.Filter.mesh;
mesh = new Mesh { name = "Lines_LineDataToMesh" };
// Set them into the mesh
mesh.vertices = verts;
mesh.triangles = tris;
mesh.colors = colors;
_lineData.Filter.mesh = mesh;
// If no tris, hide it
_lineData.Renderer.enabled = (_lineData.Lines.Count != 0);
// Line index reset
_lineData.LineIndex = 0;
protected bool Draw_AnimatedBox(AnimatedBox box)
// Update the time
if (!box.Update(Time.deltaTime))
return false;
if (box.IsAnimationComplete)
// Animation is done, just pass through
return Draw_Box(box.Center, box.Rotation, box.Color, box.HalfSize, box.LineWidth);
// Draw it using the current anim state
return Draw_Box(
box.Rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(360.0f * box.AnimRotation.Evaluate(box.Time), Vector3.up),
box.HalfSize * box.AnimScale.Evaluate(box.Time),
protected bool Draw_Box(Vector3 center, Quaternion rotation, Color color, Vector3 halfSize, float lineWidth = Line.DefaultLineWidth)
var needsUpdate = false;
var basisX = rotation * Vector3.right;
var basisY = rotation * Vector3.up;
var basisZ = rotation * Vector3.forward;
Vector3[] pts =
center + basisX * halfSize.x + basisY * halfSize.y + basisZ * halfSize.z,
center + basisX * halfSize.x + basisY * halfSize.y – basisZ * halfSize.z,
center – basisX * halfSize.x + basisY * halfSize.y – basisZ * halfSize.z,
center – basisX * halfSize.x + basisY * halfSize.y + basisZ * halfSize.z,
center + basisX * halfSize.x – basisY * halfSize.y + basisZ * halfSize.z,
center + basisX * halfSize.x – basisY * halfSize.y – basisZ * halfSize.z,
center – basisX * halfSize.x – basisY * halfSize.y – basisZ * halfSize.z,
center – basisX * halfSize.x – basisY * halfSize.y + basisZ * halfSize.z
// Bottom
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[0], pts[1], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[1], pts[2], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[2], pts[3], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[3], pts[0], color, color, lineWidth);
// Top
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[4], pts[5], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[5], pts[6], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[6], pts[7], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[7], pts[4], color, color, lineWidth);
// Vertical lines
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[0], pts[4], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[1], pts[5], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[2], pts[6], color, color, lineWidth);
needsUpdate |= Draw_Line(pts[3], pts[7], color, color, lineWidth);
return needsUpdate;
protected bool Draw_Line(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color colorStart, Color colorEnd, float lineWidth = Line.DefaultLineWidth)
// Create up a new line (unless it's already created)
while (_lineData.LineIndex >= _lineData.Lines.Count)
_lineData.Lines.Add(new Line());
// Set it
var needsUpdate = _lineData.Lines[_lineData.LineIndex].Set_IfDifferent(transform.InverseTransformPoint(start), transform.InverseTransformPoint(end), colorStart, colorEnd, lineWidth);
// Inc out count
return needsUpdate;
public void ClearGeometry(bool clearAll = true)
_lineBoxList = new List<AnimatedBox>();

You can download the complete code from GitHub (link).

Greetings @ Toronto

El Bruno



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