#LogicApps – Working with Visual Studio 2017 and Logic Apps #VS2017


Among all the characteristics that has Logic Apps, there is one that is worth emphasizing

We can use Visual Studio 2017 to create, edit and publish Logic apps type applicationsLogic Apps

There is an excellent tutorial in the official documentation (see references), although there are a couple of things that need to be clarified to have the whole environment working.

If you have installed Visual Studio 2017 and the Cloud Workload, you will surely be able to follow the following steps

Create a project of type [Cloud//Azure Resource Group]


Select [Logic App] from the Visual Studio templates


At this time we will be able to see the main files for the definition of a Logic App: LogicApp.json and LogicApp.parameters.json. We can edit both, and see the content in text mode


However, we do not have the option [Open with Logic App Designer], which is the one that allows us to use the Visual editor to define our process


Well, this step is not well explained in the official documentation. After validating that my Azure SDK and other tools are up-to-date, I realized that you need to install a specific extension for Visual Studio 2017: Azure Logic Apps Tools for Visual Studio 2017

Once installed, we can edit our logic Apps with the logic App Designer


After configuring the credentials we will use in Azure, we can see that in fact the integration of the Designer is a webcontrol where we navigate the same webview that uses the portal.



That if we can use all features that gives us Visual Studio 2017, and integrate with Git, TFS or other Source Control provider, deploy from the IDE and much more.

Happy Coding!

Greetings @ Toronto

El Bruno


Logic Apps

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