[#SLIDES] #SpeakerDesk, nice one to add to #SlideShare options

Hello! If you are from those who use Powerpoint, SlideShare, surely you know. It is one of the major resources available to use if you need to share slides. I use it since years and the truth is that I am pretty happy with it. I can view my profile (elbruno@slideshare), see some followers and…… Continue reading [#SLIDES] #SpeakerDesk, nice one to add to #SlideShare options

[#VS2015] Unity PlugIn for VS2015? Oh yeahhh ;)

Hello! I’ve always said that tests of software or OS must be done directly in a production environment. That download is a demo, try it out and let it is not real. That’s why, for some time, I’m trying to use Visual Studio 2015 as main development tool. Unity projects, as… rummaging them me although…… Continue reading [#VS2015] Unity PlugIn for VS2015? Oh yeahhh đŸ˜‰

[#EVENT] My (fleeting) time by the #Codemotion_es with #coding4Fun has been amazing (as always) thank you!

Good on the 2nd day of the event, I had lucky enough to be on the last track of CodeMotion talking as… as we can have fun with new technologies. The truth is that it was to arrive and begin to see familiar faces, the child and the Martina playing there, get off and see…… Continue reading [#EVENT] My (fleeting) time by the #Codemotion_es with #coding4Fun has been amazing (as always) thank you!

[#VS2015] Where are Cross Platform installers? (patience patience everything comes)

Hello! After the hype of Visual Studio 2015, with their emulators for Android, multi platforms dev tools, etc. Today someone asked me why those options are not available in the installer? (weird one) The truth is that I had tried VS2015 using Azure VMs and had spent zero time in the installation process. And of course it is better to…… Continue reading [#VS2015] Where are Cross Platform installers? (patience patience everything comes)

[#IOT] Internet of Things: I probably add more contents in the #Connect event

Hello! A few days ago the event Connect() was presented online. In the event Microsoft turn the current dev direction 180Âș with new features like Net in Open Source mode, a version of Visual Studio Professional for free, now in Visual Studio 2015 are included out of the box features to create apps for Android and iOS (I still…… Continue reading [#IOT] Internet of Things: I probably add more contents in the #Connect event

[#VS2013] Visual Studio 2013 2013 Community, my opinion: is just the tip of the iceberg… ;)

Hello! When a developer working with a development platform, it is normal that you are interested the news related to this platform. After a while, it is easy to see and filter the correct sources of information which provides news that really are relevant on this platform. The Microsoft Connect() event was 5 days ago, and now you…… Continue reading [#VS2013] Visual Studio 2013 2013 Community, my opinion: is just the tip of the iceberg… đŸ˜‰

[#NUGET] Package at Solutions level now can consolidate between projects and other interesting news for the new #NuGet release

Hello! I was talking to Victor a couple of days ago about how hard is to keep the NuGet packages updated in a big solution. In example, in a Visual Studio solution that’s been used for plenty of users, when he had to accommodate NuGet packages references. Although the packages dilema is not as complicated as DLL Hell in COM,…… Continue reading [#NUGET] Package at Solutions level now can consolidate between projects and other interesting news for the new #NuGet release

[#NET] .Net and Mono are now Open Source ;)

Hello! Now that we’re in the Connect() is time to finally release some interesting news. When I found the news about .Net Core is released as Open Source (link), this also promotes a cross platform model for .net developments and it seemed a little strange. Next step was to go to Miguel de Icaza blogs to review his…… Continue reading [#NET] .Net and Mono are now Open Source đŸ˜‰

[#EVENT] Connect, amazing online event about vNext and Azure

Hello! If you are in Europe this Wednesday and Thursday and you get bored in the afternoon, I you to connect to the Connect() sessions. I’ll be travelling and working full time in Amsterdam, but the truth is that seeing the speakers think that I will download OffLine materials to then see the sessions at the airport…… Continue reading [#EVENT] Connect, amazing online event about vNext and Azure

[#ALM] #PairProgramming in transmitter / receiver

Hello! Pair Programming is very cool, and at some point you start to get addicted to this practice, kind of a 12-step program. In an early stage, it is usually difficult to have a with a good pace of work. However, in the next phase, the team start to realize that something like “this is amazing”; and from now on, the team…… Continue reading [#ALM] #PairProgramming in transmitter / receiver