#VS2015 – #SuperCharger, the #CodeMap evolution

Hello! Today is a quick post, because my international moving takes a lot of time  Some time ago I tried CodeMap, I was was an excellent idea and a great tool. Although to really use it well, you had to have a “very bad” C# classes. I mean, we all dream of being those great talent developers who…… Continue reading #VS2015 – #SuperCharger, the #CodeMap evolution

#VS2015 – #SuperCharger, la evolucion de #CodeMap

Hola! Hoy toca un post rápido que la mudanza internacional requiere mucha dedicación. Cuando hace un tiempo probé CodeMap, la sensación que me quedó era la de una excelente idea. Aunque para poder sacarle realmente provecho tenías que tener unas clases “muy malas”. Me explico, todos soñamos con ser esos developers de talento grandioso que…… Continue reading #VS2015 – #SuperCharger, la evolucion de #CodeMap

[#VS2015] Ding on build, Ding on error, Ding on success tests … Dings anytime !!! (now you can choose)

Hi! More than a year ago, I wrote a small review of an interesting extension for Visual Studio. This extension plays a sound (bip) on some events in the IDE: Build Sucess, Build Failed, Test Run, etc. I really like the idea, however that version only have one sound for everything. So I kindly ask…… Continue reading [#VS2015] Ding on build, Ding on error, Ding on success tests … Dings anytime !!! (now you can choose)

[#VS2015] Ding on build, Ding on error, Ding on success tests … Dings en todo momento !!! (ahora podemos elegir)

Hola! Hace bastante tiempo escribí un small review sobre una extensión para Visual Studio que nos permitía reproducir un sonido (ding) en varios eventos dentro del IDE:Build Sucess, Build Failed, Test Run, etc. La idea estaba muy bien, sin embargo en ese momento el AddIn solo soportaba el mismo sonido para todos los eventos. En…… Continue reading [#VS2015] Ding on build, Ding on error, Ding on success tests … Dings en todo momento !!! (ahora podemos elegir)

#AZURE Fix: #WebDeploy not including some files when upload to Azure

Hola! It have been 2 long days looking for a Solution to a weird error for an Azure Cloud App. I’ve looking to logs, and other information and I finally get to the issue: I’ve missing a couple of files in my Azure deployment. One of this files was JQUERY, so … nothing works. Lucky…… Continue reading #AZURE Fix: #WebDeploy not including some files when upload to Azure

#VS2013 – Create all the images for your #Win8 / #Win10 app from a single image

Hi! These days are travel days. So the best tips are the ones relates to tools that will save you some time on routine tasks. In this case a simple AddIn that creates all the appropriate resources for our Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8 apps from a single initial image. The operation of WindowsAssetResizerPackage is more than simple, Display…… Continue reading #VS2013 – Create all the images for your #Win8 / #Win10 app from a single image

#VS2013 – Crea las imagenes para tu app #Win8 / #Win10 a partir de una unica imagen

Hola! Ahora que tocan días de viajes, nada mejor que postear sobre una de esas herramientas que te ahorran un poco de tiempo en las tareas rutinarias. En este caso un simple AddIn que crea todos los recursos correspondientes para nuestras apps Windows 8 o Windows Phone 8 a partir de una única imagen inicial. El funcionamiento…… Continue reading #VS2013 – Crea las imagenes para tu app #Win8 / #Win10 a partir de una unica imagen

[#VS2015] #Unity5 y Visual Studio? Ohh yeah :D

Hi! As an early adopter, you probably upgraded all your projects to Unity 5 a couple of weeks ago. And after this amazing moment, you realized that you’ve lost all the nice integration with Visual Studio 😦 Now happy days are back! You can go back to enjoy your life because the latest version of Visual…… Continue reading [#VS2015] #Unity5 y Visual Studio? Ohh yeah 😀

[#VS2015] #Unity5 y Visual Studio? Ohh yeah :D

Hola! Si te ha pasado como a mi, seguramente has migrado tus proyectos a Unity5 hace unas semanas. Eso sí, en el camino te diste cuenta que habías perdido la integración con Visual Studio. Pues ahora tus días de felicidad y alegría han vuelto, ya que la version 2.0 de Visual Studio Tools for Unity ya…… Continue reading [#VS2015] #Unity5 y Visual Studio? Ohh yeah 😀

[#VS2013] Node.js tools V1.0, much more important than you think

Hello! After a couple of posts about the plugin in Visual Studio to work with NodeJs, we reach to final version 1.0.So here is a not so “great” news if you’re a Visual Studio developer. However, from another perspective: There are formal channels that echo on how Microsoft is changing and opening / promoting these…… Continue reading [#VS2013] Node.js tools V1.0, much more important than you think