#Humor – Best backup ever

Hi ! Maybe the best back up ever …   Greetings @ Toronto -El Bruno Source: Somewhere in Internet

#Bots – (I) Hello World in Bot mode with #VisualStudio 2015

Hi ! One of the coolest features that Microsoft present during last months was a Bot platform. At almost the same time other providers like Facebook also have presented their own version of bots, so is something that you must try in the near future. The official description is: The Microsoft Bot Framework Connector is…… Continue reading #Bots – (I) Hello World in Bot mode with #VisualStudio 2015

News – #Microsoft open Xamarin’s SDK, #Xamarin Forms previewer and more !!!

Hi ! I was facing a couple of busy days at work, so I miss a couple of news. Today I’ll pick the best one, directly from Evolve: Microsoft open sources Xamarin’s software development kit That’s great or what? In the past months we get Xamarin for free in Visual Studio (this is the official…… Continue reading News – #Microsoft open Xamarin’s SDK, #Xamarin Forms previewer and more !!!

#Windows10 – How to fix a broken Windows Store: WSReset

Hi ! I’m testing Windows 10 in the Windows Insider Fast Ring since the beginning of the test phases. So far, I’ve always learn something new in each release, and this week is related to the Microsoft Store. Since I move the latest build, I was not able to download any new software to my…… Continue reading #Windows10 – How to fix a broken Windows Store: WSReset

#VSGallery – Learn the Shortcut (for lazy mouse users like me!)

Hi ! Quick post on Friday with a very cool Visual Studio 2015 extension: Learn the shortcut. I’m a keyboard user, and you know, I try to learn all the shortcuts I can to make my life easier. And now, Mad Kristensen creates an amazing extension which help me to learn new shortcuts. The ways…… Continue reading #VSGallery – Learn the Shortcut (for lazy mouse users like me!)

#Coding4Fun – Cool projects / robots to play with #kids and learn some #programming skills

Hi ! During the past weeks some friends asked me about some cool projects to play with robots with their kids. So I’ll share 4 nice products which would give you much fun with your kids. Remember kids today doesn’t want to only consume toys, they want to create and interact with their inventions with…… Continue reading #Coding4Fun – Cool projects / robots to play with #kids and learn some #programming skills

#Coding4Fun – What’s There App, source code and #VisionAPI description

Hi! Some people ask me a couple of questions regarding the What’s There App, so I’ll write this post to explain the basic features of the app. I explain to my kid with a simple schema, that the main steps of the app The phone will take a photo with the camera The photo will…… Continue reading #Coding4Fun – What’s There App, source code and #VisionAPI description

#Coding4Fun – Cognitive Services, What’s there?

Hi ! Today’s I’ll add a new video to my Coding4Fun channel on Channel9. Today’s one was based on a question from Valentino (my son). He saw that I wasn’t using to much electronic devices (and robots) since we arrived to Toronto. I explained to him that we didn’t bring all the devices from Europe…… Continue reading #Coding4Fun – Cognitive Services, What’s there?

#VisualStudio – Visual Code 1.0 Released !

Hi ! It’s been a busy year for the Visual Studio Code team, and a few days ago they reach one great milestone: Visual Studio Code 1.0. The first official release of the product. In the official news release you can find some insights about the history of the product, the more than 500000 users…… Continue reading #VisualStudio – Visual Code 1.0 Released !