#Windows – Show your camera 🎦 in full screen mode in Windows (thanks VLC!)

Hi! I will write this post, only to save me some time for the next time that I need to do this. The goal is simple: show a camera feed in Windows 11 (or W10, or older) in full screen mode. I’m sure there are other ways to do this, however, this is the one…… Continue reading #Windows – Show your camera 🎦 in full screen mode in Windows (thanks VLC!)

#PowerPoint – Add Stock Videos to create amazing slides 🎥

Hi ! I’ve been doing this for a while, and hey, a couple of days ago someone ask how to create a cool slide like this. Super easy. Open the menu [Insert / Video / from Stock]. Then select a video. Bonus here to filter and look for a video that can be used as…… Continue reading #PowerPoint – Add Stock Videos to create amazing slides 🎥

#Video 🎦 – Testing Morph transitions while edit videos in #PowerPoint

Hi ! Ok, more tips of video editing using PowerPoint. Please read my previous posts for the context on how to use these scenarios. I’m a big fan of Microsoft Morph transition, so I was wondering if the I will have some amazing also working with slides. You can reach your own conclusions. In the…… Continue reading #Video 🎦 – Testing Morph transitions while edit videos in #PowerPoint

#Video 🎦 – Concatenate 2 videos, trim content, add transitions and more using #PowerPoint 🖼️ without a video editing tool

Hi ! Ok, more tips of video editing using PowerPoint. Please read my previous post for the context on how to use these scenarios. And, disclaimer: even if we can do this, Microsoft PowerPoint is not the best tool to do this. Trim Video content 1st scenario is about selecting specific start and end time…… Continue reading #Video 🎦 – Concatenate 2 videos, trim content, add transitions and more using #PowerPoint 🖼️ without a video editing tool

#Video 🎦 – How to add a layer, image or credits information using #PowerPoint 🖼️ without a video editing tool

Hi ! Getting ready for my new role, it’s time to share some quick tips. Today I’ll share a quick video editing tip, when you don’t have any video editing tool, or skills. Add a bottom-right corner text on top of a video using Microsoft PowerPoint. For this demo, I’ll use a free video from…… Continue reading #Video 🎦 – How to add a layer, image or credits information using #PowerPoint 🖼️ without a video editing tool

#GitHub – Tip: how to get a github profile photo 🖼️ , just add .png

Hi ! So, I learned this some time ago, and now is my preferred method to share my photo for events and more. Let’s start. This is my profile in GitHub: https://github.com/elbruno/ And, if I want to access the profile photo, I just need to add a .png on the profile url: https://github.com/elbruno.png Super easy…… Continue reading #GitHub – Tip: how to get a github profile photo 🖼️ , just add .png

#Windows10 – Focus Assist, option for Presentation mode

Hi! After To write about Presentation Settings And Move Mouse, today it’s my turn to give a small review to one very interesting features in Windows 10: Focus Assist. This new option can be turned on or off from the Windows notifications panel When we activate this option, Windows 10 will not show any notification,…… Continue reading #Windows10 – Focus Assist, option for Presentation mode

#Windows10 – Focus Assist otra opción para el modo presentación

Buenas! Despues de escribir sobre Presentation Settings y Move Mouse, hoy me toca dar un pequenio Review a una de las features mas interesantes de Windows 10: Focus Assist. Esta nueva opción puede ser activada o desactivada desde el panel de notificaciones de Windows Cuando activamos esta opción, Windows 10 no mostrara ninguna notificación, con…… Continue reading #Windows10 – Focus Assist otra opción para el modo presentación

#VS2017 – Disable PerfWatson2 to improve Visual Studio performance from the Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program (What?)

Hi ! Next month, this post will be a 7 years old post [VS2010] 5 tips to improve your IDEs performance And the truth is that, with the exception of the WinForms option, the other options are still valid. Visual Studio is still an excellent IDE, if you can live with a high RAM usage…… Continue reading #VS2017 – Disable PerfWatson2 to improve Visual Studio performance from the Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program (What?)

#VS2017 – Deshabilitar PerfWatson2 para mejorar la performance en Visual Studio desde el programa de mejora de experiencia de usuario (What?)

Buenas! En un mes se cumplirán 7 años del siguiente post [VS2010] 5 tips to improve your IDEs performance Y la verdad es que, salvo la opción de WinForms, las demás opciones siguen siendo válidas. Visual Studio sigue siendo un excelente IDE, si puedes vivir con un consumo alto de RAM y el procesador calentito…… Continue reading #VS2017 – Deshabilitar PerfWatson2 para mejorar la performance en Visual Studio desde el programa de mejora de experiencia de usuario (What?)