[#WINDOWS10] The new Command Prompt… awesome! ^_^

Hello!!! Windows 10 days it has been my main OS. I.e., I use it on my work laptop and the truth is that it will very well (unless the sombritas end do not convince me). Having said that, like all evolution has things enough good, one of them are new options at the Command Prompt.…… Continue reading [#WINDOWS10] The new Command Prompt… awesome! ^_^

#KINECTSDK – Speech recogntition now available in SDK V2 !!!

Hola !!! DespuĂ©s de tanto pedirlo, por fin tenemos weekly builds del nuevo SDK de Kinect V2. Ahora lo interesante es que tenemos una pila de trabajo interesante en cada release para ver lo que tenemos dentro. Asi que hoy,un pequeño review de algo que ya existe en Kinect SDK V1.8 y que necesitábamos en…… Continue reading #KINECTSDK – Speech recogntition now available in SDK V2 !!!

[#PEBBLE] Working with buttons (II) and a bit of #debug mode using #CloudPebble

Hello! After the yesterday’s post, I have been able today to update the Pebble smartwatch and the SDK to the version 2.1. That means that I have everything ready for a demo. So, I’ll start with a video of a very simple app. For every button pressed, it sends a debug message to the cloud…… Continue reading [#PEBBLE] Working with buttons (II) and a bit of #debug mode using #CloudPebble

[#VS2013] HowTo: Debug an external EXE file and some bonus track

Hi! Today I have to use some part of my memory skills to remember how to debug an external exe file in Visual Studio. For this task I usually use WinDbg, however this scenario must be easier than that. So a couple of steps for thos: 1. Open Visual Studio 2. Menu “File // Open…… Continue reading [#VS2013] HowTo: Debug an external EXE file and some bonus track

[#LEAPMOTION] HowTo: Show the number of fingers ever the Leap

Hello! Today is going to be a quick post, I’ll change the console app for a WPF app to work with the Leap Motion. In this app, I’ll show how a gesture is detected by the sensor in addition to the amount of active fingers over the sensor. For this example I’ve used some information…… Continue reading [#LEAPMOTION] HowTo: Show the number of fingers ever the Leap

[# VS2012] There are many rumors about VS2012 and WP but less news than on the location of Atlantis

Buenas, Disclaimer: When I wrote this post I was not at my 100% mental level. Thanks to @wasat I got more information and I still wait for some cool tools I do not understand very well that are passed by the head to our friends of MS with regard to development of Windows 8, Windows…… Continue reading [# VS2012] There are many rumors about VS2012 and WP but less news than on the location of Atlantis

[RESHARPER] HowTo: Dynamic add references based on the typed code

Buenas, otro tip de los buenos de ReSharper, en este caso que nos ayuda a ahorrarnos los 5 clicks o 15 segundos necesarios para agregar una referencia en un proyecto. Supongamos el siguiente escenario: Proyecto de biblioteca de clases llamado ClassLibrary1, con una clase llamada Class1. Proyecto de biblioteca de clases llamado ClassLibrary2, con una…… Continue reading [RESHARPER] HowTo: Dynamic add references based on the typed code