#Git – Sync button, thanks ! :D

Hi !

Some time ago I participated in a LemonCoders Webinar about Git. I remember that the “Sync” button in Visual Studio was something which brings us plenty of fun. In the Visual Studio line of business, this button doesn´t require us to understand anything related to Git, it synchronizes a local repository with a remote repository. We also speak of this in the podcast “Why hate Git” and the truth is that is an interesting topic.

So, during the past time I was using SourceTree as Git client, however in my last Windows 10 installation, I decided to try another tool and it was the time of return to GitHub Desktop. Which was my surprise to the find me with a FABULOUS BUTTON SYNC within the tool, that basically does what I hope:

The Sync button synchronizes changes from the local repository and the remote repository in an automatic and single-step process.


I could not find an official reference to the background of button process, but it seems that it makes a git pull --rebase and if there are changes in local adds a git push.


Magical and incredibly useful!

Update: thanks to Mikel in the reviews, seems that actually the button Sync makes pull-rebase and git push, http://haacked.com/archive/2012/05/21/introducing-github-for-windows.aspx/#comment-747538038

Greetings @ Toronto

El Bruno

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