[#OPINION] To Powerpoint or not to PowerPoint (you know, is all about points and power!)



PowerPoint, popularly known as the “point of power” is an excellent tool. If you don’t know it and only use Visual Studio, you commented that you’re losing a great development tool. In hisAMAZING GOD version (is a superior to the Ultimate), PowerPoint has an internal compiler that generates applications based on specifications, requirements, user stories and everything that falls within the slides of a presentation. This is great. Many times I think of uninstalling the VS IDE and only use the compiler of PowerPoint, then by a matter of affection, I am using Visual Studio.

But care, which in addition to serving as a useless repository of requirements (although now with VS2012 + TFS2012 has improved a bit) PowerPoint is a great tool to communicate ideas. Lately I see that many people strive to change the pptxs by other more innovative product with the only purpose of being different and show something different. This is fine, however in a live presentation, the content of the slides is a very small part in the communication process.

Personally I prefer the minimalist slides with little content, where the speaker has long game to develop content and adapt it to the humor that has the audience. I lived a great example of this in 2008, where a forum of architects in Madrid I attended a presentation of a tool to automate the management of requirements. As the presenter, was submitted to Yes in almost all events, he did a little bit of self-promotion of your company and your product and then step to a slide with several bullets, with the design more ugly that I have seen in my life. Points saying something like the following:

  • There is no real relationship between the products delivered and the customer’s expectations
  • Communication with the customer is lost during the period of development
  • etc.

While reading this, it caught my attention the neglected was the design of the slide, the ugly thing that were sources and other little things that made me hurt eyes. The presenter can stand a few seconds or a few minutes while everyone was trying to digest this, and later said the following:

“Did to what is ugly, no?” “The most ugly of these points is that he had them saved in a spreadsheet of Lotus 123 and are those used by the ‘ 80s to discuss the problems that we have in software development”.

Brutal impact, from that moment no one was set on the aesthetics of the presentation but began to feel identified with the points presented and… well isn’t the idea of this post talking about agile methodologies; but more thoroughly how to submit content in a proper way and how to achieve it is understood under a context suitable.

And then we come to the initial question: “PowerPoint or not PowerPoint?”. After trying other tools like Prezi, I’ll keep using PowerPoint; even in the best of cases, a simple editor of texts and 5 points to develop may give us 15 minutes of the best talk of the moment. For great examples of this, please visit charles Ted.

PD: another great example is the great Luis Ruiz Pavón during the launch of VS2012 in Madrid, where instead of pptxs, was mounted on a site with ASP.Net MVC and its own site was the driver of the presentation that did. By far the best room.

PD2: other great examples of Dilbert



Saludos @ La Finca

El Bruno

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