[#WINDOWS8] HowTo: Connect the LEGONXT with Bluetooth in Windows 8



Today is a review to show how simple that is “connect” via BlueTooth our Lego NXT withWindows 8 . The steps are as follows:

1. First click “WIN+Q” to perform a search in the Settings of Windows 8. We put “Add Device” and already have access to the option “Add Bluetooth device”


2. Below we will see a form where appear the devices to which we can connect. Here it is very important to know the name of our Lego NXT. In my case, is called “EL BRUNO”, and as they can be seen in the following image, Windows 8 does not recognize any special device as.


3. When we connect the device, he asks a password for pairing. In my case is quite simple: 1234


4 I have no camera good close, but in the picture below you can see how the password is entered in the Lego NXT.


5 And ready in a few seconds the device will be added and we will see it in the list.


6. The following that we need to know is the COM port where the device has been connected.To do this we must go to the window of the devices we already know from Windows 7. Once again we see that the LEGO NXT has not been recognized as any type of special device, and appears in the list of Unspecified.


7. If we look at the properties of the same, in the tab “Services” can see the COM port used.


8. Ready! can already begin to use our LEGO NXT from Windows 8 .

Saludos @ Home

El Bruno

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